T-Shirts - Sweat Free & Dryfit

Unisex - For Men & Women

SweatFree T-shirts & Dryfit T-shirts

Sweatfree or Dryfit T-shirts are designed for your daily heavy sweatfree life

On your daily activities where you run and get tired, you cannot get heat relief from a thick warm cotton T-shirt. As sweat and stickiness makes you lethargic and slow.

Hapz SwF T-shirts are specially designed to keep you moving despite the sweat that you release due to heat from Outside and Inside.

Hapz SwF T-shirts are designed with a combination of Light cotton and Polyester which not only soaks sweat from your body but also dries them instantly leaving no odors.

Materails used in making Hapzs SwF T-shirts are 

  1. Polyester/High Polyester.
  2. Light Cotton.

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